Sacred Sound Gong Healing (MP3)


33 Minutes of  Sacred Sound Gong Healing



33 Minutes of  Sacred Sound Gong Healing

The sound of the gong allows us to move beyond the boundaries of the mind. We have used our mind since birth to perceive the world and through our mind we have constructed our own unique version of reality.  Over time we have become habituated with a set of perceptual responses to the incoming data from the world outside our mind.  These responses layer and layer upon each other and build up their own magnetic frequency.

The gong is the basic creative sound.  Out of the gong comes all music, all sounds, and all words. It takes three to ninety seconds for the sound of the gong to overtake the mind.  Then we are free of the conditioned habitual pattern of the perceptual filters of our magnetic field.  We have expanded beyond the frequency of our mental imprints.  We now have the opportunity to experience new realms of our own psyche, new energetic aspects of our own being, new dimensions of ourselves.


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